About Assertiveness Quiz

Assertiveness as a concept deals with a few specific aspects of behavior. Most typical are the following: the ability to state one's own position and firmly defend it, the ability to reject decisions which are imposed on you, the ability to share your feelings toward someone or about something. In light of these aspects, a person may espouse behavior that can be aggressive, passive-aggressive, passive or assertive.

An aggressive person tries to force others to carry out his demands without taking into account their opinion. An individual who is passive-aggressive tries to force others to fulfil his desires, resorting to various manipulative methods. Typical of passive behavior, an individual tends to concede his or her rights, trying to avoid conflict at any cost. These individuals are not always ready to assert themselves even in those issues they consider important. When displaying assertive behavior, the person adamantly defends his point of view, while respecting the opinion and rights of others.

This quiz reveals features of your behavior under the following four factors specific to the concept of assertiveness: Communication, Conflict, Resistance to Influence and Coping with Criticism, along with an overall index - General Assertiveness.

Comprehending and being aware of your patterns of behavior in relation to these aspects of assertiveness will allow you to master the skills of assertive behavior, the skills to cooperate with people without resorting to aggression nor to manipulation. Experience confirms that these skills of assertive behavior can be learned.

In the quiz results, aside from quantitative indexes and the descriptions of features of your behavior, you will find descriptions of methods for developing skills associated with assertive behavior concerning the four above-named factors.

A sample quiz result is presented below.

40moderatelylow0100Overall Assertiveness Index


In general, your behavior is typical of a shy person. You are not always capable of asserting your interests or explicitly declaring your intentions. You find it hard to resist the rules imposed on you or your other obligations.
Let's consider the components of your behavior in four aspects of assertiveness:

Assertiveness in Communication


When communicating with others, you declare your intentions explicitly. You do not hesitate to assert your rights. You respect the opinion of other people. At the same time, you do not act out of a wish to please anyone else.

Assert Yourself in Communication

Although you are sufficiently assertive when interacting with others, it is worthwhile for you to master a few methods which will help you feel more confident when communicating. It would be good for you to have a repertoire of potential techniques for communicating with various people.

Assertiveness in Conflict


You are not always capable of asserting your point of view, especially when you are under pressure. Sometimes you do not have the necessary arguments, especially in dispute with an aggressive opponent. Your reasons when arguing are not always convincing. In conflict, you are ready to compromise on some points in order to achieve agreement.

Assert Yourself in Conflict

Since it is difficult for you to assert your point of view, it is a good idea to master a few techniques which will help you to affirm your position.
One of the basic approaches to increase confident behavior in a conflict is to build up self-esteem. A high level of self-esteem allows you to assert your point of view persuasively in a conflict, not resorting to passive-aggressive nor aggressive behavior. You can increase self-esteem externally by receiving the approval and respect of others or internally by positive self-talk.

Resistance to Persuasion


You are capable of resisting pressure. You have no problem with refusing a nagging seller or anyone whose service you did not request, although sometimes it is unpleasant for you. As a rule, you are ready to hold your course, even if the opinion of the majority is against it.

Assert Yourself against Manipulation

Though you are able to resist pressure, it is worthwhile for you to enrich your skills in neutralizing attempts to manipulate, in scrutinizing the intention behind favors, and keeping control when others are manipulative or employ high-pressure tactics. If you are in doubt about the merit of an offer, do not rush your decision making.

Coping with Criticism


You are too easily offended by criticism, it really upsets you. Critical remarks toward you result in a reduction of energy. You are not really successful in using constructive critical remarks to improve your work.

Assert Yourself when Coping with Criticism

Since personal criticism strongly upsets you, it would be good for you to learn a few methods which will help you feel more assertive when criticized.
If you do not have the opportunity or desire to enter into a debate about the criticism, try briefly expressing your position to your opponent without an explanation. Let him know that you have heard his opinion and are not objecting to his remarks.

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