ENTJ Communication Skills
ENTJs respect and maintain the manners and order accepted in their circle. They may often come across as demanding, but as a rule, not when it comes to minor issues. ENTJs are ready to share their opinion with those around them and to find out theirs. At the same time, they often strive to ensure that their opinion be the one recognized as the right one. Their objective, business-like, confident and at times bossy conversation style can be upsetting to people of a more feeling type or result in counteraction on the part of others who are also disposed toward leadership.
ENTJs can encounter difficulties when communication requires finer soft skills, such as being very tactful or particularly patient, or involves the finer feelings of the soul. The topics of love or lyric poetry can fail to elicit a strong emotional response in them. At the same time, they often take an active part at events or gatherings related to expressions of feelings, for instance, in organizing charity or other public events.
ENTJs usually have a large social circle including their friends, colleagues, and contacts made at parties, gatherings, during time off work or entertainment events they might be attending.
Business communication of ENTJs tends to be pretty intense. Their colleagues (or others who work in the same field) often find it important or necessary to get their authoritative and/or expert opinion on professional subjects. For ENTJs, communication usually includes opinions, ideas, discussing organizational management aspects and practical solutions.
Ask Nous AI
- How can ENTJs control their urge to take over conversations and make sure they listen to and think about what others say?
- How does the natural charisma and persuasive ability of ENTJs enhance their effectiveness in motivating and inspiring others?
- What are the advantages of ENTJs using a logical and thoughtful approach in their communication?
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ENTJ: Strategies for Successful Communication
It is easy for ENTJs to find common ground with people of the same mindset, or to put it differently, with people that also belong to the intuitive/thinking group (NT) that includes ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP personality types. People in this group see the world in a similar way, so ENTJs find it easy to share their views with other NTs and are, in turn, disposed toward comprehending reasoning or views of other NTs.
For effective communication with people in the sensory/thinking group (ST) including ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP and ISTP personality types, it is best for ENTJs to mostly keep to communication based upon facts, and their direct consequences. Overall, such communication style is pretty compatible with ENTJs and they find it easy to adapt to it. As for people in the ST group, this style of communication is very suited to their way of thinking, and should be well understood.
When communicating with people in the intuitive/feeling group (NF) including ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, and INFP personality types, ENTJs need to mostly keep to communication based upon ideas, concepts and theories. Conversations between ENTJs and representatives of this group often touch on multiple aspects of the discussion topics and are beneficial to both sides. While ENTJs try to keep to the objective view, whereas a significant proportion of representatives of the NF group judge based on their feelings, nevertheless the parties often find common ground necessary for effective communication and problem solving.
Greater difficulty occurs between ENTJs and representatives of the sensory/feeling group (SF) including ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP, and ISFP personality types. During conversation with people in this group ENTJs should keep to communication based upon feelings, facts and actual sensations. The problem, however, lies in the fact that ENTJ find it difficult to keep up communicating in this way. They end up needing to strain in order to put forward argumentation that can be understood by the SFs, which often leads to ENTJs trying to wrap up the conversation, or losing interest since the other party doesn’t “get it”. In order to ensure a level of communication suitable for both sides, ENTJs should adjust themselves beforehand to a conversation style that suits SF people.
How to determine which personality type group another person belongs to?
What helps successful communication for an ENTJ:
- A need to find hidden, unobvious possibilities
- The topic of conversation requires good understanding of logical connections and the development course of events
- The topic of discussion is conceptual in nature
- A need for a creative approach to the discussion topic
- The subject being discussed requires an active response
What hinders successful communication for an ENTJ:
- Discussion material with weak logical connections
- Discussion material of a purely practical and mundane nature
- The conversation involves the finer feelings of the soul for too long