INTJ Communication Skills
INTJs try to figure out how the world around them is structured and what can be changed in it. They feel the best when they have figured something out and know how to improve it.
INTJs are comfortable carrying out a conversation. They are neither arrogant nor are they formal, but might refrain from becoming quick acquaintances. They can come up against difficulties in situations requiring finer soft skills when communicating, such as being very tactful or particularly patient. On the whole, INTJs respect the established rules of communications although at times they may see them as a formality or a relic of tradition.
INTJs may find it difficult to express themselves about the finer feelings of the soul: the topics of love or lyric poetry can fail to elicit a strong emotional response in them.
In communication INTJs usually come across as well thought out and to the point. Despite their introversive attitude, when they have something they find profoundly interesting, like an idea or project of some sort, their enthusiasm about it may become quite “contagious” and can spread to those around them.
At times, INTJs seem somewhat closed and distant in communication. But it is during this time that they are revising their views and conceptions, and/or are involved in forming new ones. Those who can guess the reasons for their apparent detachedness can easily engage INTJs in conversation by making some critical comment regarding the concepts INTJs have deduced. In these situations INTJs can quite often become wordy and very talkative.
An INTJ’s social contacts are, as a rule, low in number and mostly limited to his or her circle of relatives, friends, colleagues and others of a like mind.
That being said, INTJs can have quite a few business contacts, because many people find it interesting or important to get an INTJ’s in-depth expert opinion, which they can offer on many serious issues. Their business communication usually includes exchange of points of view, ideas, discussing organizational methods and solutions.
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- What makes an INTJ good at solving problems in a conversation?
- What makes it hard for an INTJ to connect with others emotionally?
- How can an INTJ practice expressing their feelings more clearly?
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INTJ: Strategies for Successful Communication
INTJs easily find common ground with people of the same mindset, or to put it differently, with people that also belong to the intuitive/thinking group (NT) that includes ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, and INTP personality types. As a rule, people in this group have roughly the same way of seeing the world, and therefore INTJs easily share their views with other NTs and at the same time are disposed toward comprehending other NTs’ reasoning or views.
For effective communication with people in the sensory/thinking group (ST) including ESTJ, ISTJ, ESTP and ISTP personality types, INTJs should mostly keep to communication based upon facts and the consequences directly proceeding from them. INTJs can adapt to this type of communication, despite the fact that it may seem somewhat dry to them. And for people in the ST group, on the other hand, this style of communication is very suited to their way of thinking, so they should absorb it well.
For effective communication with people in the intuitive/feeling group (NF) including ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, and INFP personality types, INTJs should mostly keep to communication based on ideas, concepts and theories. Communication between INTJs and representatives of this group often touches multiple aspects of the discussion and is beneficial to both sides. That said, sometimes they might find it difficult to bring these discussions to practical steps that both parties agree upon. This happens because a significant proportion of representatives of the NF group judge a situation primarily based on their feelings, whereas INTJs try to keep to the most objective, impartial view as possible, regarding the same situation. Because of this, differences can arise in their opinions on what course of action to take.
INTJs face the greatest difficulty communicating with representatives of the sensory/feeling group (SF) including ESFJ, ISFJ, ESFP, and ISFP personality types. When communicating with people from this group, it is best for INTJs to keep to communication based upon feelings, facts, and concrete sensations. The problem, however, lies in the fact that INTJs find it difficult to maintain a dialogue in this fashion. They end up having to strain in order to put it in the form that representatives of the SF group can understand, which can often lead to INTJs trying to wrap up the conversation, or causes irritation at the failure of the other side to “get it”. In order to ensure a level of communication that is acceptable to both sides, INTJs should prepare themselves beforehand to a communication style that suits SF people.
How to determine which personality type group another person belongs to?
What helps successful communication for an INTJ:
- Enough time to ponder the discussion topic
- The possibility of taking a break during the conversation (see the previous bullet)
- Conceptual nature of the conversation (strategic vs. being focused on details)
- The topic calls for finding unobvious solutions/hidden possibilities
- The topic requires clear understanding of perspective and how events can unfold
- The topic calls for creativity
- Communication with people from the NT or NF groups
What hinders successful communication for an INTJ:
- Fast-paced communication with poor logical flow
- The conversation is of a purely practical nature
- The conversation involves the finer feelings of the soul (love, sorrow) for too long
- Communication with people from the SF group for too long