Comments and poll about personality types of fictional characters
Have you tried to look at the characters in the A Song of Ice and Fire fantasy novel series (you may have seen its Game of Thrones TV adaptation) from a personality type point of view? Check the results of our public opinion poll about personality types of the characters. Personality types of characters are decided on by fans: 6957 votes so far and counting! The poll is still open - you can contribute your opinion too. We hope that character analysis through the prism of Jung’s and Briggs Myers’ approach to personality will be both fun and insightful to you. Take the free Jung Typology Test now and discover your personality type.
Dutiful and committed, responsible, believes in established views, ready to help, natural care giver (more often seen in women). Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: warrior, ostler, thatcher, governor/governess.
Brienne is not beautiful, nor overwhelmingly smart or diplomatic. She has only one simple goal, the one she devoted her life to: to serve and protect. Easily overlooked by her peers because of her gender, she is one of the most competent warriors in Westeros. Her martial prowess is only bolstered by her immense sense of honor and duty. Time and time again she proves to be one of the most reliable knights in the whole kingdom. Her unwavering loyalty causes her to commit wonderous deeds and we will keep on following her story, wondering just how much strength in mind and body one woman can posess.
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Easily and quickly grasps ideas, wise, logical, educator. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: alchemist, advisor to the ruler, sage, sorcerer, architect, tutor, shipwright, astrologer.
Wise and pensive, the Maester of Winterfell is a soothing presence in the Stark family. Firmly rooted in the teachings of his order, he is a scholar, scientist and a healer - his service invaluable to house Stark. Not only a good teacher and mentor to the Stark children, he has also proved himself to be an able governor of Winterfell in the absence of Eddard. Listening closely to the demands and needs of the common folk, he has proven to be wise and have a keen eye for small details as well as an eye for what kind of “whole” these details amount to.
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Amicable, artistic, enjoys life to the fullest, educating, educating youth (more among women), natural caregiver (more among women), sensitive (more among women), believes in established views (more among women). Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: mummer, minstrel, hunter, curate, maid, ostler.
An ex-smuggler Ser Davos is no stranger to danger. The onion knight is fiercely competitive (how else might he have attained to the rank of Ser?) and his unique “gut feeling” always tells him when something is off. On several occasions he even gets lucky, surviving impossible situations. The Onion Knight can quickly adapt to new trends, but it does not necessarily mean he has accepted them. His sense of duty and honor forces him to be patient and diplomatic, but the experienced man can't simply ignore when a situation “smells off”. In the end he sacrifices his own position in order to warn others.
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Supportive, mentor, philosopher, guru, may become norm-setter. Believes in justice. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: scholar, sage, monk, minstrel, storyteller, librarian, fortune-teller.
Her alias “Little Bird” describes Lady Sansa Stark quite accurately. She was definitely at the front of the line when god handed out rose-tinted glasses and she appears to have snagged herself more than one pair. But that was young Sansa, dreaming of being the Queen of a just and fair King, with young princes and princesses surrounding them. Everyone got along in her dreams until she had to leave Winterfell and come to Kings Landing. The reality burned through her dreamworld like the green flames of Wildfire burned through the ships at Blackwater Bay. Now, as she comes to terms with her disappointment and finds a way to cope with how cruel the world of Westeros really is we can witness her internal struggle of “Good vs. Evil”. Will she still be able to see good in anyone after all of this?
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Active, can easily be in a supervisory role, shows feelings easily, responsible, supportive, enjoys life to the fullest. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: draper, innkeeper.
The queen of Westeros is not exactly famous for her fairness to those whom she deems unworthy. Her only rule seems to be: 'Those who are not family, are enemies waiting to be destroyed'. That maxime only amplifies her overwhelming 'motherly' drive. Even when the crown prince is behaving like a monster devoid of any human quaities she will protect him. As her internal struggle between right and wrong more often becomes the struggle between right and protecting her child we begin to see how easily wounded Cersei really is. Her hyper-vigilance and lack of trust to outsiders do not come as much of a surprise anymore.
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Easily and quickly grasps ideas, open to new things, analytical, self-sufficient. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: advisor to the ruler, landowner, matron, tutor, scholar.
The Master of Coin also known as “Littlefinger” is a self made man. Incredibly smart and suave, he ascended the social ladder as if he were merely climbing a tree. To him the game of thrones is just that: a game. But make no mistake, this charming and witty man holds incredible power over finances and people. His web of influence has been spun all over Westeros. Once you have crossed him you are one nightmare away from having your life completely destroyed. As Varys, the Master of Whispers, once said: “Ser Barristan loves his honor, Grand Maester Pycelle loves his office, and Littlefinger loves Littlefinger”.
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Natural troubleshooter, fast-pacing, realist but open to new things and adventures. Possesses natural people skills. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: warrior (or a “wall defender” in the book), ranger, scout, brewer, mercer, messenger.
“Growing Strong” are the words of House Tyrell. Admittedly they are less impressive than those of house Bolton “Our Knives Are Sharp” and Baratheon “Ours Is The Fury” but there is something disheartening about a plant slowly creeping into the smallest cracks, gradually taking over the whole garden. Margaery might appear as a little beautiful flower, but she wields her beauty as a weapon, similar to the way Syrio Forel would wield his sword. Spontaneous and active, she is able to read people as if they were an open book. Using her charm and wit Margaery is able to achieve things, which no amount of violence and vile scheming could ever do.
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Entertaining, active and initiating, encouraging, facilitating, empathetic, spiritual. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: healer, theologian, player, storyteller.
The oldest son of the Lannister house is definitely the Prince Charming of Casterly Rock. While really outgoing and warm he had become warped by his upbringing and troubled past. He seemed egotistical and cruel beyond measure (even willing to kill a little boy in order to cover his own sins), however under all this unpleasant arrogance and violence he is a deeply caring person with strong convictions and the need to be admired. As the story of Westeros progresses we will undoubtedly see his golden, albeit very battered heart uncovered.
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Active, initiating, guiding, supportive, considerate, quickly and easily grasps ideas. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: governor, schemer, tutor, matron.
The Warden of the North is strongwilled and wise. He has phenomenal interpersonal skills and is able to nurture the unique talents of his children as well as mend and help lead a kingdom broken by neglect and ignorance. With an eye for the "big picture" he is one of the first to uncover the truth about the crown prince of Westeros. Following his firm belief in honor and a fair government he makes the greatest sacrifice possible and lays down his head in the name of truth and justice.
Maybe he had taken on more burdens of others than he could bear, but who is to say that it all was for naught?
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A leader, quickly and easily grasps ideas, competitive, supportive of followers, commanding and ordering, ambitious. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: governor, warlord, schemer, exchequer, navigator, shipwright, matron.
Decisive and strong she had to learn how to protect herself, lead and mobilize others at an early age. Admittedly her older half-brother Jon Snow would also qualify to be an ENTJ, but he gives off an increasingly less striking figure if you keep in mind that he is just now learning of his abilities, long after Arya started to master them. She forms a rag-tag team of kids in which she is clearly the driving force. The young Stark does not flich when looking into the very eyes of death and always finds her way out of impossible situations (but also into them). As she grows, Arya will surely become more resolute in conflict. After all, one can not waver and doubt when one wants to “stick them with the pointy end”
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Realist, responsible, courageous, natural manager/administrator, guardian (more often men), gives orders. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: governor, warlord, constable, messenger, matron.
Being a priestess of R'hllor, the god of flame and shadow, she follows his tennets and what she percieves as being his will. She actively reorganizes people under Stannis Baratheon's control and can mobilize them according to her (or R'hllor's) religious demands. With enormous magical power at her fingertips she expresses her will, is not afraid of standing up for her faith even in face of death and ultimately always gets her wishes granted. Standing firmly on the bedrock of her religion it is easy for her to make decisions, always striving to bring what she sees in the flames to reality.
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Cheerful and entertaining, empathic, smart, enjoys life to the fullest, natural mediator. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: mummer, minstrel, jester, bard, cupbearer.
Self proclaimed god of tits and wine, Tyrion Lannister is one of the most humorous characters in Westeros. Despite his appearance and his troubled past, he does not let the pain and suffering he experienced mar his character. Always the optimist he loves to party, people and more importantly, he loves to tell stories. Tyrion‘s mind is his shield and tongue is his dagger and he does well using them. Many a time has he escaped certain death just with the help of his quick thinking and some situational luck. By no means is he morally superior, he is capable of great deeds but also of grave mistakes if he makes decisions only on impulse alone.
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Born artisan, likes being with friends, supportive of friends, servicing, believes in established views. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: scout, gardener, ranger, armorer, cook, seamstress, thatcher, forester, tailor, cobbler.
The Braavosi swordsman is a true artist with the blade. Constantly aware of his surroundings he keeps a calm composure until it is time to act. Maybe his behavior is a little rough around the edges and his way of speaking is not as fluid as it could be, but once you have seen his Water Dance in action you are left breathless and in awe of his mastery. His witty one-liners show us that his sense of humor is as sharp as Valyrian steel, but he still prefers to talk with the help of his blade. Syrio is also capable of quick decisions. Disregarding ranks and social structure he will do what he deems necessary, jumping straight into the cold embrace of the “one true god of death”.
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Responsible, artistic, wise, educator. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: healer, minstrel, storyteller, diplomat, theologian, fortune-teller.
The journey and transformation of Daenerys Targaryen is one of the most captivating stories in the Westeros universe. From being the repressed sister of a clearly psychotic Viserys to becoming the champion of the oppressed and downtrodden. Queen of savages and commander of an army of freed slaves, she is now a force to be reckoned with. Talented in languages and a formidable rhetorical prowess she is ready to lead, but not for the sake of power alone. In the names of justice and fairness she will follow her convictions to the edge of the world, or in this case: from the edge of the world right into the heart of Kings Landing.
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Realist, natural manager/administrator, committed, believes in and upholds rules. Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: commanding positions, knight, ranger, hunter, armorer, chamberlain, scrivener, thatcher, homemaker (women).
The head of the Lannister family is devoted and bound by honor not to the kingdom of Westeros but to his house. The Lord of Casterly Rock seems cold and uncaring. A feature that causes much pain and suffering in his children. They feel neglected by their father, but what they don't see is that slowly, step-by-step, he builds up and contains the power of the richest house in Westeros. Making tough calls with grim determination he is not afraid to sacrifice tact and injure others if it means that the job will get done. Devoted to his family name he has but one goal: to make the world tremble as it hears the roar of the Lannister Lion.
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“First think - then act”, wise, scholar, supportive, perfectionist (more in men). Examples of suitable Medieval occupations: architect of the system of defense, “master of laws”, treasurer (“master of coins”), navigator, alchemist, tailor, herbalist, astrologer, matron.
Lord and master of information, Varys seems confident but reserved. He knows all there is to know about anyone and anything, keeping an ever watchful eye over the destiny of the kingdom. Even if by some strange coincidence information escapes his gigantic empire of spies and informants, he will still take notice that his playing field is missing a piece. He is a self made man, just like Ser Baelish, however Varys does not serve his own needs. In the heart of the kingdom, much like a spider in an extensive web of information channels, he sits and listens to what the world has to say. His system is perfect, Varys knows when he can help others or when it will not be worth the effort, his hand extending only to those who will benefit Westeros. Independent and pragmatic, he keeps serving the kingdom at a time when everybody else only seems to serve their own interests.
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